This post looks into a possible set of cross-raumartig-zeitartig (I made that word up!) dimensions. Ready to rumble?

A page from my notebook.
Keywords: iteration in higher dimensions, 10th dimension
Welcome to this blog post. In this post we will look at possible higher dimensions.
Higher Dimensions.
Note: To form the nth dimension, we will take two non-coexisting “shapes” of the (n-1)th dimension and join them with said nth dimension.
For example, to form the first dimension, we take two points (of zero dimension) and then join them with a line. To form the second dimension, we take two non-coexisting lines and join them with a plane. To form the third dimension, we take two non-coexisting planes and join them with a space.
What about the fourth dimension?
We have to take two spaces and join them with said 4th dimension.
What can separate two spaces?
A simple, comprehensible answer is time. There might be other spatial options, but we will discuss that in Part 3. To form the fourth dimension, we take two non-coexisting spaces and join them with a continuum.
Now, to form the fifth dimension, we take two non-coexisting continuums and join them with said fifth dimension, which is most probably a line of possible alternate paths of the universe’s timeline. Rather similarly, the sixth dimension is a plane of possible alternate paths (#note: this plane of possible alternate paths still has the same starting conditions at the Big Bang/start of the universe).
To form the seventh dimension, we take two non-coexisting sixth dimensions and join them with a line of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions. Rather similarly, the eighth dimension is a plane of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions. Again, rather similarly, the ninth dimension is a space of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions.
What about the tenth dimension?
Notice that up to this point, every single alternate reality abides by their laws of physics 💯%. The tenth dimension could be a line of ninth dimensions, each abiding to any laws of physics by any extent.
It is really hard to find a possible concept for the 11th dimension. The only thing coming to my mind is that supersymmetry, the theory which suggests sfermions and sbosons, the supersymmetric equivalent of fermions (matter particles) and bosons (force carriers), have a function as force carriers and matter particles respectively, can be tolerated in mixture at certain proportions. In short, the 11th Dimension is a line of tenth dimensions with different proportions of particles and sparticles.
0-D shape: A point.
1-D shape: A line.
2-D shape: A plane.
3-D shape: A space.
4-D shape: A continuum.
5-D shape: A line of possible alternate paths.
6-D shape: A plane of possible alternate paths.
7-D shape: A line of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions.
8-D shape: A plane of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions.
9-D shape: A space of sixth dimensions, each with different start conditions.
10-D shape: A line of ninth dimensions, each abiding to any laws of physics by any extent.
11-D shape: A line of tenth dimensions with different proportions of particles and sparticles.
12-D shape: May I be excused? My head is full!
But this list is assuming that space has only three dimensions. If space had 4, 10, or even 20 dimensions, a continuum would be a 5-D, 11-D or 21-D shape, respectively.
In Part 3 read all about my thoughts on higher spatial dimensions!
Please share your thoughts and comments with me!
Nice depiction and remind me of "dot".The dimension of a dot.
Like your choice of this topic.