Hi! I’m Neelkantha.
An ardent follower of science and mathematics
Hi everyone! I am a sixth form student in Cambridge, UK. The photo of me is from when I started this blog aged 13.
I find mathematics and the sciences, fascinating. These disciplines are, to me, the telescopes to our world and beyond. The human investigation of the mystery and magic of existence.
I have been studying physics and mathematics and new insights in the field of biology outside of my school curriculum. I have also undertaken some theoretical investigations in my spare time. I aim to update (hopefully regularly) my blog posts with my thoughts/ readings and research into current concepts.
I will probably also post about my other interests such as art, the natural world, philosophy and movies.
Please get in touch if you have any comments or thoughts, to point out my errors or collaborate on these thoughts and investigations.
Finally, I would like to say that currently, in a world with many problems, more than ever, we should be as the great Bill S Preston Esq. and Ted Theodore Logan most righteously said: "Be excellent to each other." and "Party on Dudes!"